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Year 2 Autumn 2021 Newsletter

Dear Parents/ Carers

Welcome back to a new school year, we hope you are all safe and well.  Below is an outline of the Year 2 Curriculum focus for autumn 2021 and important information.

Reading Books

Reading books are checked and changed weekly. Please ensure your child reads at home regularly and you record the times you do so in their reading record diary.  We will be encouraging the children to do this independently so your help at home would be greatly appreciated. Reading records do not need to be sent in to school.  The record is for you to monitor your child and for the child to record their own book reviews.


Homework is given on a Monday and should be returned on the following Monday.  It will consist of spelling practice and an element of Math’s and English reflecting the children’s learning in class that week.




Tuesday & Wednesday

Monday & Wednesday

Please could you ensure that your child wear their PE kit to school on their PE days. PE kit should consist of appropriate outdoor wear e.g. tracksuit bottoms.


We will be exploring the theme of ‘Communication” this half term.  Here is an overview of our learning.





We will be developing our writing through our reading of key texts and topic work.  In English children will be reading the Gulliver’s Travels’ and exploring characters and plots.  They will make predictions and pick out keys facts and events.  They will also be making inferences.



We will be continuing the Math’s Mastery method of learning from Year 1.  We will be developing our understanding of place, counting on in 2s, 3s, and 5s from 0 forwards and backwards and counting on in 10s from any number forwards and backwards.



We will be focusing on Communication this term in ICT. We will be looking at information technology at school and beyond, such as in shops, hospitals, and libraries. They will also be thinking about how information technology improves our world, and making sure that they are using information technology responsibly.



In Science this half term, we will be learning about living things. We will explore and compare the difference between living and non-living things and things that have never been alive. We will work scientifically by collecting data about familiar plants and suggesting answers to enquiry questions using the data.

Creative Curriculum

In History we are learning about the lives of significant people. Children will develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. They will learn where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.



In RE, our topic will be ‘Forgiveness’.  Children will learn about ‘what does it mean to

say sorry? Can stories change people?  In SMSC children will understand the importance of families for security and stability. They will explore different types of families and learn the importance of showing respect.



In sport, children will look at Story through Dance.  They will learn about healthy minds, emotions and goals.  For Fitness the children will be completing the mighty movers unit, where children will learn running with control.  

Thank you for all your support in your child’s learning.  If you have any questions or queries about Year 2 please do not hesitate to ask us.       

Many thanks,


Mrs Okuba  &  Mrs Butt

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