Five Elms Approach
Our Approach
• Assessment is integral to high quality teaching and learning. It helps us to ensure that our teaching is appropriate and that learners are making expected progress.
• All staff are regularly trained in our approach to assessment.
• We have a designated lead who is responsible for assessment.
The main purpose of assessment in our school is to help teachers, parents and pupils plan their next steps in learning.
• We also use the outcomes of assessment to check and support our teaching standards and
help us improve.
Through working with other schools and using external tests and assessments, we will compare our performance with that of other schools.
Our Methods
We assess pupils against the key objectives in the new National Curriculum, which define what a pupil is expected to know and be able to do in that year group. The new National Curriculum is based on an acquisition of deep learning, so children are expected to explore their year group objectives in depth, not move onto the next year group objectives. Therefore assessment has to measure the depth of learning.
The National Curriculum sets out the end of year expectations. Children in YR, Y2 and Y6 are assessed by national testing and assessment arrangements (EY profiles and SATs).
The achievement of each pupil in reading, writing and maths is assessed half termly. Other subjects are assessed termly
The Assessment Model below illustrates Five Elms Assessment cycle.
In the new model of assessment, the emphasis is on using the different forms of assessment to help inform planning, ensuring all children are taught the Medium term/Maths Mastery/Early Years learning outcomes. Teachers then ensure that their pedagogy includes differentiation on multiple routes to the same expectation.
Worked is marked and assessed regularly and each pupil if given oral or written feedback, marking stickers are also used to assess pupils learning on a weekly basis.
Rising Stars ½ termly tests are taken by pupils in Maths and English to assess progress and identify any gaps. This information is used to inform planning. Salford Reading tests are also used on a termly basis from Year 1-6, to obtain information of children’s reading ability and ensure it’s appropriate for their age and stage.
Rising Stars Termly Assessments are taken by pupils from Years 1-6. Data is used to track children's progress and additional support is put in place to ensure all children achieve the end of year expectations.
Termly assessments are also made for all foundation subjects. Children's progress is assessed via the learning outcomes for each subject strand. Children are graded at working towards expectations, meeting the expected outcomes or achieving greater depth.
The Criteria
Each child is assessed as either; working towards expectations, meeting the expected outcomes or achieving greater depth against key objectives, depending on the depth of their learning.
• Assessment judgements are recorded and backed by a body of evidence created using observations, records of work, teacher assessment and summative tests.
• Assessment judgements are moderated by colleagues in school and by colleagues in other schools to make sure our assessments are fair, reliable and valid.
Use of Assessment
Assessment outcomes are used to summarise and analyse attainment and progress for pupils and classes.
• Data is used to plan the learning for every pupil to ensure they meet or exceed expectations.
• Data is analysed across the school to ensure that all pupils at Five Elms are making appropriate progress and that all pupils are suitably stretched.
Informing Parents
The information from assessment is communicated to parents and pupils at parents' consultation evenings and in annual reports.
Parents and pupils receive information about what has been achieved and indications of what they need to do next. Parents are welcome to make an appointment to discuss their child's progress and assessment outcomes at any time.