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Internet Safety for Parents and Carers

Safe search engines for children.


Children's sites

For games and more information about how to keep safe when blogging click here

Parent Zone  have developed some free handouts and free parent courses.  For more information contact the help service (dshelp@parentzone.org.uk) They will be available to all  parents during the long summer break. We are a Digital School, our parents can contact Parent Zone, at any time for support if they find themselves dealing with an online safety related issue.

  With the expansion of social media     websites and younger children having access to mobile phones, it is essential that all members of our community are aware of the need to use caution and act responsibly when using the technology.  If your child is a member of a social networking site or a messaging service, please ensure that your child has the highest privacy settings and that you monitor your child’s post or messages.  Parents are responsible for their children’s use of social media.

To help you talk to your children about having a positive and safe time online, we have put together a host of information on our school website for parents and carers, including conversation starters, age restrictions on certain sites, a factsheet, family pledge card and more!  

‘Together for a better internet’.    Safer Intenet  Day provided a fantastic opportunity to engage with children about their digital lives and helped empower children to take control and consider how consent works in an online context.  Children explored  how to give and receive consent online.  This could be in their friendships or relationships, how they take and share images and videos and how they manage their privacy and data. 

With the expansion of social media websites and younger children having access to mobile phones, it is essential that all members of our community are aware of the need to use caution and act responsibly when using the technology.  If your child is a member of a social networking site or a messaging service, please ensure that you child has the highest privacy settings and that you monitor your child’s post or messages.  Parents are responsible for their children’s use of social.

To help you talk to your children about having a positive and safe time online, we have put together a host of information on our school website for parents and carers, including conversation starters, age restrictions on certain sites, a factsheet, family pledge card and more!  

What is Cyber bullying?

  • Monitor what your child is doing online or on their phones.
  • Talk to your child about the responsibility they have online.
  • Look at the e-safety rules with your child.
  • Do not allow your child to have a facebook account - this is illegal before the age of 13... watch the video from CEOP above to learn about why not!
  • Watch the video below with your child and talk to them about the impact of cyber bullying.
  • Make your child aware that cyber bullying is a criminal offence and the police could be called if they are involved in cyber bullying.

Cyber bullying report

The Children’s Services Select Committee commissioned the Advisory Teacher for Primary ICT to carry out a survey on cyberbullying. This was to obtain a picture of the prevalence of cyberbullying amongst the children and young people in the Borough.  Read the report to find out more.

click here

‘Be Share Aware’

NSPCC have released two videos for their ‘Be Share Aware’ campaign to support parents when discussing the issue of sharing images with their children.

Parents and carers play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online. We know it can be difficult to stay on top of the wide range of sites and devices that young people use. 

To find out more please go to:

Green Child


Parent/Pupil Fact Sheets

To view a parent and pupil fact sheet click on the icons below.

Find out more about how to keep your family safe online with the UK Safer Internet Centre's four steps:

  1. Have ongoing conversations with your children about staying safe online and why not use our family agreement? 
  2. Use safety tools on social networks and other online services, eg Facebook privacy settings, YouTube Restricted Mode
  3. Decide if you want to use parental controls on your home internet
  4. Understand devices and the parental control tools they offer in our Parents' Guide to Technology
  5. Get the facts about internet Safety from the Metropolitan Police Service. Safe.Met 

SID TV:  To view the SID collection of videos about kindness and respect online click here

NSPCC have produced a wealth of information children click here.


Online Safety Guide

Online Gaming an Introduction Parents

Parents Guide To Instagram

Parents Guide to Snapchat

 For guides on:

  • Mobile Phones
  • Online Games
  • Parent Control tools
  • Risks your child may face online
  • Social Networking
  • Talking to people online

Click the icons below in the document lists.

Top Tips To Keep Safe When Using The Internet:

1.   Talk to your child about what they’re up to online.

2.   Watch Thinkuknow films and cartoons with your child.

3.   Encourage your child to go online and explore!

4.   Keep up-to-date with your child’s development online.

5.   Set boundaries in the online world just as you would in the real world.

6.   Keep all equipment that connects to the internet in a family space.

7.   Know what connects to the internet and how.

8.   Use parental controls on devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones.

Other Useful websites which provide information for parents and children: www.thinkuknow.co.uk www.digizen.org www.childnet.com www.ceop.gov.uk www.getsafeonline.org www.dcsf.gov.uk/ukccis

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