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Grey skirt/blue & white gingham dress
White blouse/school polo shirt
White socks
Sensible black shoes/trainers
Navy cardigan/jumper or school sweatshirt
Coat – any colour


Plain black, navy or grey shorts or trousers
White shirt/school polo shirt
Grey/white socks
Sensible black shoes/trainers
Navy cardigan/jumper or school sweatshirt
Coat – any colour

These items can be purchased from Premier Schoolwear at:

Premier Schoolwear Ltd 

Unit 7, Tonbridge Works,

Harold Hill, Romford


Please insert your child's name on all items of clothing, as L.B.B. & D cannot be held responsible for any loss.

N.B:  For health and safety reasons, please ensure that your child wears socks every day and that no plastic footwear or high heels are worn.

P.E. Kit – White tee-shirt, Navy shorts, black plimsolls (slip on for infants).

P.E. Kit should be kept in a named draw string bag* and retained in school.  Parents should ensure that children take kit home for regular washing and return promptly.

Hair – Longer hair should be tied back with a white or black hair band.  Extreme adult fashion hairstyles (boys and girls) are not considered appropriate for school.

Jewellery is not permitted because of health & safety reasons. KS 2 children are permitted to wear a watch.

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