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School Meals at Five Elms

Five Elms Menu

At Five Elms we also offer extended services such as; breakfast club and after school clubs. We also offer the Magic Breakfast scheme, to find out more click here.

Eating a healthy meal is known to improve behaviour, concentration and the ability to achieve, which is why it is especially important that children eat a delicious, healthy meal at school.  At Five Elms, all meals are freshly prepared in school every morning and meet the rigorous school food guidelines set out by the Government.  Our school meals are designed to give your child exactly the right kind of foods to keep them going until teatime, including lots of energy-giving carbohydrates and at least two of their five a day fruit and vegetables.  Often these dishes are based on home favourites. Each is tested, refined and nutritionally-analysed to ensure it fully complies with all legal requirements and good food guidelines before being added to our school menu.

Free school meals    

Taking up free school meals has benefits for everyone:

  • Children can benefit from a healthy free nutritious meal
  • Families entitled to free school meals could save more than £400 per child per year by claiming free school meals
  • It’s anonymous for parents (because so much of the application process can be done online, a persons’ entitlement is mostly processed electronically)
  • It’s anonymous for young people (thanks to our cashless catering system, claiming free school meals is anonymous – cards are swiped in the same way as a paid for meal so nobody knows that it’s a free school meal)
  • Schools can benefit directly by receiving money from the government. The government pays schools £430 for every child who registers for free school meals. Your school could benefit from hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Claiming Free School Meals

If you are on a low income or receive Child Benefit and any of these benefits, you could claim free school meals for your child:

  • Child Tax credit
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit (guaranteed credit)
  • Universal Credit

You may qualify for Free School Meals for your child if:

  • You are an asylum seeker
  • Your combined income is £16,190 or less a year (this includes any benefits you are receiving)
  • You live outside Barking and Dagenham but meet the previous criteria and your child is attending a school in the borough
  • Your only or main income is one of the benefits listed above.
  • To claim click here

Useful Links

Change4Life website


The Little Book of Goodness provides answers to the questions parents ask about school meals all over the country.


Healthy Packed Lunches is a great site to get ideas for a healthier packed lunch


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